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Why Hello!  I'm Mr. Krantz

Hi, I am Mr. Krantz.  I work here at Stephen Decatur High School in Worcester County MD.  That is the Maryland Eastern Shore for those who do not know.  I was new to Decatur last year and the beach life is something to get used to. 
Aside from spending my time in front of a class, I like to go to the BEACH (being that we are only 5 miles away here at school). I enjoy spending my time catching some sun and grabbing a few waves on one of my many surfboards.  When the surf is down and the sun is hiding I can be found under the hood of one of my automobiles.  So be careful, I am easily side tracked by these two subjects.
My other love is traveling.  I have visited countries all over the world from Russia to the little British Colony of Gilbraltar.  I enjoy seeing the world and getting out of my little house by the shore.  Do not forget to check out some of my pictures and guess where I am.



Wow here is Mr. Krantz in Poland! Where will he be next?

My Schedule for Fall 2008
Block 1  Planning C134
Block 2  Foundations C151
Block 4  Foundations C134
Block 5  Foundations C151